Version history [plain text]
kswitch Version History
Current version:	1.2fc1
Date:				February 16, 2007

kswitch 1.2
Released as part of KfM 6.0


	kswitch 1.2fc1
	February 16, 2007

	Moved to final candidate

	kswitch 1.2a1
	August 23, 2006

	[RTÊ4169]ÊRemove Kerberos v4

kswitch 1.1
Released as part of KfM 5.5


	kswitch 1.1fc1
	December 6, 2004

	Moved to final candidate.

kswitch 1.0
First Public Release


	kswitch 1.0fc1
	June 19, 2002

	Moved to final candidate.
	kswitch 1.0a1
	June 10, 2002

	[BZ 731]	Use KLL and CCAPI to switch between caches
	[BZ 757]	Bad error message when is missing

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